Grant programs

Project evaluation process

How does the evaluation of projects that apply for our grant calls actually work?

In the first phase, a formal review of the application takes place

For applications, we first assess whether they meet the formal requirements, whether the project fulfils the focus of the grant call and whether the information provided in the application is true. If the application has deficiencies that can be remedied, the applicant is asked to remedy them.

In the second phase, the substantive evaluation of the projects by the members of the evaluation committee takes place

Evaluation committees are an integral part of our grant calls. When compiling them, we emphasize the involvement of experts on topics from various fields. We cooperate with the Association of Public Benefit Organizations, the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society, and the Association of Social Service Providers to strengthen the professionalization of public benefit organizations. In the field of traffic safety, we cooperate with the VIZE 0 Platform, and in the field of culture, we cooperate with the Bohemian Heritage Fund. The Krkonoše National Park Administration is a guarantor of biodiversity. The KOVO union, in turn, provides important insight into the needs of employees in the regions in which we operate.

A multi-member evaluation committee composed of a representative of the announcer, independent regional and supra-regional experts from the private and public spheres will recommend the project for support only if it finds the submitted applications to be of sufficient quality. The evaluation committee focuses mainly on the benefits of the project and its sustainability, the economy of the project and the quality of the project application.


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