basic project information
- beneficiary Rytmus Bakov nad Jizerou z. s.
- location of support Bakov nad Jizerou, Bakov nad Jizerou, 29401
- year of support 2023
- amount of contribution 110,000 Kč
TK Rytmus is engaged in the education of children in the field of dance, sports, culture and social behaviour. The association acts as a tool of primary prevention and we try to bring children and young people to socially beneficial activities in the long term. At the moment, the acoustics of the hall are at a dismal level, even after the installation of opposing speakers. The aim of the project is to improve the acoustic properties of the TK Rytmus dance hall. We want the children and adults to perceive the music correctly, so that the instructors do not have health problems with their vocal cords during longer classes and so that the music can be played more quietly overall.