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35 let od Sametové revoluce na vlastní kůži
V neděli 17. listopadu si Česká republika připomněla již 35 let od Sametové revoluce. Ku příležitosti tohoto významného milníku naší historie jsme společně s Post Bellum a městy Mladá Boleslav a Mnichovo Hradiště připravili jedinečnou vzdělávací akci pro žáky základních škol.

How and why NFŠA supporting kindergartens and e...
Why is support so important at the very beginning of the educational process?

Discover with us how to create a successful pro...
After successful previous years, we are again organizing a workshop with Hub Mladá Boleslav called "How to write a successful project".

We have signed another important memorandum
The future lies in innovation, the strategic partnership expands the possibilities for entrepreneurship development in Mladá Boleslav region.

Nearly 700 participants at this year's EDU Week!
From 27 to 29 August 2024, the fourth edition of the educational event EDU Week took place in Mladá Boleslav, Vrchlabí and Rychnov n. Kněžnou, as well as online in the form of webinars for the entire Czech Republic.

View our Annual Report 2023
On the website you will find information about our activities and supported projects in the past year. Last year we supported a total of 225 projects in the Mladá Boleslav, Rychnov, Vrchlabí and Jilemnice regions.

Next grant call open!
Traffic safety is the alpha and omega of road traffic, which is why we have launched another grant call focused on traffic safety infrastructure.

Fourth edition of the educational event EDU Week
Another edition of EDU Week is coming up, and this year brings a wide range of practical workshops and online webinars aimed at teachers from all types of schools and institutions and anyone interested in further education.

Earthfest - An expedition to a sea of music, ex...
Come to celebrate Earth Day in Mladá Boleslav on Saturday 27 April at 1 pm.

Březen pod pokličkou Nadačního fondu
Take a look at some of the March photo shoots with us.

We signed a memorandum to promote road safety
Traffic safety is one of the key topics that we have been addressing for a long time in order to minimize risks and increase public awareness of safe behaviour in public space. This is why we actively initiate and support projects that have a long-term vision and are based on dialogue between the public and private spheres.

Spring Grant Calls
We are launching spring grant calls to revive culture, protect nature and support biodiversity, develop local communities and increase traffic safety.

February in NFŠA
Also this month, we will share with you some of our February events from our environment.

We have signed another memorandum with the Hrad...
Our cooperation with the Hradec Králové Region is growing into another dimension.

We are helping to build the foundation for the...
In cooperation with Step by Step ČR, o.p.s., we have launched a project to support kindergartens – START TOGETHER IN THE VRCHLABÍ REGION, or everything I really need to know, I learned in kindergarten.

We are introducing our new logo!
It's happening! 💚
At the end of the year, we celebrated our 5th anniversary. During that time, together with our partners, we have managed to implement more than 600 projects 👀 🤝 For our anniversary, we have given ourselves a new logo that will give the communication drive and move it a little further. 👏

A successful project? We know how to do it! And...
After successful previous years, we decided to organize a workshop with Hub Mladá Boleslav called How to Write a Good Project.

We have signed a memorandum of cooperation with...
Together with KHK, we will support innovation in education. High school students in Vrchlabí are already testing a new robot!

November under the hood of the Endowment Fund
We are now bringing you our monthly series #podpoklickou, where we will show you a selection of some less formal snippets from our endowment fund.

We are launching the Mladá Boleslav Architectur...
The Mladá Boleslav Architecture Award has been launched! For the first time it will award the best buildings and achievements in Mladá Boleslav.

Mladá Boleslav as an unconventional gallery. St...
Can city be a gallery? Yes! The StreetArt festival City=Gallery, which we initiated in Mladá Boleslav for the second time, brought not only new paintings.

Scholarship for study stays abroad
We are launching the third year of scholarships for study stays abroad in the 2024/2025 school year!

Projects supported by the Endowment Fund have b...
Two significant projects, a new cycle path along the Jizera River with a footbridge and the Kosmonosy natural self-cleaning biotope, received awards.

Week of Social Services
In the first week of October, Škoda Social Week takes place, during which we have prepared profiles with our partners from public benefit organizations that present their activities and give an insight into the work they do and bring it closer to the general public.

The second successful year of Yoga Fest
The second year of the event attracted yoga enthusiasts, families and individuals of all ages.

We are launching the Krakonoš's Gardens grant c...
Submit your projects to the second call of the Krakonoš's Gardens grant program.

We are launching a grant application - Traffic...
Submit your projects to the Transport Safety Infrastructure grant program.

We are launching a regional online magazine
We actively support the regions of Boleslavsko, Rychnovsko and Vrchlabsko. In addition to dozens of smaller and larger projects, we are now also launching the New regions online magazine.

Our 2022 Annual Report
We have published a new Annual Report for last year. Stop by with us, look back and read what we have together achieved. How was the year 2022 in our endowment fund?

Looking for forgotten stories again
Together with the Bohemian Heritage Fund, we are launching again another call FORGOTTEN STORIES of Mladá Boleslav, Rychnov and Vrchlabí. The aim of the programme is to create a collective memory of these regions.

Help us improve the place where you live
Submit your projects to grant calls for civil society and road safety! We want to promote neighbourhood relations and activities, intergenerational knowledge transfer, and the development of the form and safety of public space.

Explorer or three questions for the regions
Do you want to participate in the development of our neighbourhood? Do you have an idea what you would like to improve in your region? Have you seen something inspiring in another region that you would like to see here? Let our Explorer know!

The new biodiversity grant call is here!
Submit your projects to the Krakonoš Gardens grant programme. Let's actively care for the environment around us!

Let's create together a place to live well
The next round of the grant call for the creation of new or improvement of existing facilities for meetings and leisure or physical activities is here!

Scholarship for study abroad
The second year of AFS study abroad scholarships for the 2023/2024 school year is here!

Saturday was the Maker Faire!
A popular festival for all DIYers, inventors and innovators took place over the weekend!

We have become a general partner of the Nonprof...
We have become a general partner of the Nonprofit of the Year competition. This is another step in our efforts to support the professionalization of the non-profit sector.

Josyma's Run
The SKODA AUTO Endowment Fund invites all fans of sport, exercise and especially endurance running to the city pool in Štěpánka Park, where the 10th annual Josyma Run and the Foundation's Sports Day for Young Athletes will take place on Sunday 4 September.

Annual Report 2021
Our Annual Report 2021 is out! This time unconventional, modern and playful.

Street art festival
A great celebration of street art in Mladá Boleslav - this is Street Art fest!

A look back at the ŠKODA Gaming Tour 2022
This year, the second edition of the ŠKODA Gaming Tour took place not only in the Mladá Boleslav region, but also in Vrchlabí and for the first time in Rychnov nad Kněžnou!

Next wave of grant calls open!
Public benefit organisations can now apply for grants for projects developing leisure and educational activities for children and adolescents. There is also a call to support the social inclusion and education of Ukrainian children and adults fleeing the war.

Round 2 of the grant call Development of munici...
We want to encourage as many people as possible to spend their free time actively and to meet each other. Therefore, also in 2022, representatives from towns and villages can apply for a foundation grant for the implementation of investment projects in the construction / revitalisation of leisure facilities. Applicants not only from the Mladá Boleslav region, but also from the Rychnov and Vrchlabí regions can now participate.

Region without Barriers Grant for 2022 open
The grant call is aimed at projects that will help social inclusion, lead to the provision and increase of palliative care capacity or improve the quality of care in the home environment. Applications are being accepted until 8 May.

We are opening grant calls for 2022
The SKODA AUTO Endowment Fund will once again support the activities of municipalities, public benefit organisations and other non-profit entities operating in the Mladá Boleslav, Rychnov and Vrchlabí regions.

Students applied for scholarships to study abroad
Belgium, France, South Africa or Paraguay? That's where the students from Mladá Boleslav will go thanks to a scholarship prepared for them by the SKODA AUTO Endowment Fund in cooperation with AFS - Intercultural Programmes.

Help us with the movement in 2022!
The traditional charity sports challenges organised by the SKODA AUTO Endowment Fund and the ŠKOFIT programme continue. They are now joining forces with the online platform Znesnáze21, which specialises in crowdfunding and organises collections for those in need. How will the new way of helping work?

Results of the grant call Development of munici...
In a healthy body a healthy spirit, or sport to health! These slogans resonate throughout society. People who move are generally happier, more satisfied and achieve better results. After the coronavirus pandemic, people stopped moving so much. For these reasons, the grant call "Development of Municipal Leisure Facilities" was launched, to which municipalities in the ŠKODA regions could apply to support healthy lifestyles and restart them.

Scholarship programme of the SKODA AUTO Endowme...
Are you interested in studying in a foreign country and interested in the place where you live? Are you a high school student in the ŠKODA regions? Apply for the NFŠA scholarship programme and get the opportunity to study abroad in the school year 2022/2023!

September belonged to health prevention
Raise interest in your health and promote an active lifestyle. With this goal in mind, a unique health truck headed to the region and its tour culminated in a Health Day at the Mladá Boleslav Exhibition Centre and the Pluharna area.

Results of the grant call Region without Barrie...
Each of us may encounter an unfavourable situation which, despite our best efforts, cannot be solved by our own efforts. However, there are many active people and organizations around us who are willing and ready to lend a helping hand in difficult moments and make the struggle with obstacles of any kind easier. It is for them that the grant call for social support has been designed.

Results of the grant call Here I am at home 2021
The projects that have already received support in the Here I am at Home grant call for 2021 are already known. This year, for the first time, a grant focused on civil society development is headed to all three regions of Škodovka.

We are opening new grant programmes for 2021
The grants will be announced in two waves. In the first one, open for applications from 22 June, we will focus on supporting civil society and helping disadvantaged groups. From September onwards, it will be possible to apply for projects in the fields of education, traffic education and safety.

We support the development of municipal leisure...
The SKODA AUTO Endowment Fund wants to help restart the active lives of people of all ages in the Mladá Boleslav region following the relaxation of the anti-pandemic measures introduced in connection with the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Grant call for summer language camps in the Cze...
This is why the SKODA AUTO Endowment Fund is launching a grant call for summer language camps in the Czech Republic from 11 - 27 June 2021. The call is open to secondary school students aged 15 and over.

Earth Day and an interactive game for the whole...
To celebrate Earth Day, we have prepared a fun and educational game in nature, in cooperation with the Ekocentrum Zahrada DDM! Go with your children and friends to trace interesting places in the region and compete for interesting prizes. The game runs until the end of May!

Voting results in the Moving for a Good Cause g...
The first part of the Moving for a Good Cause challenge is successfully over - the public vote is closed! How did the projects of public benefit organisations rank and how can you help to ensure that as many of them as possible receive a grant for their implementation? Read on!

Voting in the Moving for a Good Cause grant is...
The Moving for a Good Cause Grant Challenge has moved to the next stage - voting on support for 11 public benefit projects. Which ones do you like the most? Check out the details of each project below and vote on the Facebook page of the New Boleslav Region!

Announcing grants to help culture
New Visions for Culture and Forgotten Stories of the Mladá Boleslav Region are being sought.

New concert grand piano for Mladá Boleslav
A year ago a public collection was announced for the purchase of a piano worth CZK 1 839 000. Thanks to the contribution of the general public, it will be possible to renew the tradition of concerts that used to regularly ring the hall of the Mladá Boleslav theatre with the participation of world stars.

We support the 1st line in the fight against CO...
We support workers in health and social services in the Mladá Boleslav region!

Grant Challenge Moving for a Good Cause
The SKODA AUTO Endowment Fund will join forces with the ŠKOFIT programme again this year to support not only active lifestyles but also public benefit projects in the Mladá Boleslav region. An important part of the grant is the involvement of the public, who will have the opportunity to participate in the co-creation of the region. It will be the residents of Mladá Boleslav who will decide which projects will be supported and, through their movement, determine the total amount to be distributed. Applications will be accepted until 9 December 2020.

Looking for the champion of Mladá Boleslav region!
The atmosphere at the ŠKODA Gaming Day in January showed that Mladá Boleslav is a gaming region. Although the current pandemic situation means that it is not possible to hold a full-fledged 2nd edition of this successful event, don't despair. Registration for the ŠKODA Online Tour opens today!

Announcing the 2nd round of the Crisis Fund
This fall, our society is once again facing challenges and constraints related to the coronavirus pandemic. Following the declaration of a state of emergency in the Czech Republic, the SKODA AUTO Endowment Fund has launched a second round of the Crisis Fund, which plans to support public benefit organisations in the Mladá Boleslav region with more than CZK 900,000.

Czech BMX Championship
In Benátky n. Jiz. there was a race for points for the national ranking of the Olympic ranking and we were there.

Opening ceremony of new playgrounds
Citizens in a number of towns and villages in the Mladá Boleslav region can look forward to a total of 7 new or reconstructed children's and sports playgrounds.

Cycling at any age
The volunteer project, which has its roots in the Danish capital and now operates in 50 countries around the world, is officially launched in Mladá Boleslav for the first time.

We have published our 2019 Annual Report
Do you want to know what projects we supported in the first year of the Fund's operation, or why and with what aim the Fund was established? Feel free to check out our latest annual report, which will be presented by Laurin and Klement!

Culture and Leisure - ŠKODA Gaming Day
On the second Saturday in January, we brought the first ever PC and console gaming event to Mladá Boleslav, called ŠKODA Gaming Day, and the Škoda Museum was bursting at the seams!

Smart Mobility - Bikesharing in Mladá Boleslav
In the spring of 2019, we brought a pilot operation of shared bicycles and later electric bicycles from the Czech supplier Rekola to Mladá Boleslav. Mladá Boleslav thus became the second city after Prague where electroRekola was launched.

Civil Society Grants - Round 2
In August 2019, in cooperation with the Civil Society Development Foundation, we announced the 2nd round of the Civil Society Grant Call.

Health services - Availability of emergency med...
The availability of rapid medical assistance can be the first and decisive factor in saving a human life.

Health Services - Hospital Equipment
We made a contribution of CZK 4,004,000 to the Klaudián Hospital in Mladá Boleslav for the purchase of new modern equipment for the internal medicine and urology departments.

Culture & Leisure - Maker Faire
In order to support community life in Mladá Boleslav, we supported an event called Mini Maker Faire.

Health Services - Health Day
With the support of the Klaudián Hospital in Boleslav and the Škoda Employee Insurance Company, we organized an event focused on health prevention with the simple name of Health Day.

Grants to support civil society
In order to support local traditions, crafts or customs, in cooperation with the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society, in May 2019 we announced the first grant call for Civic Society.

Health Services - Festival of Wellbeing
The pace of life is constantly accelerating, so we organized an event focused on protecting and promoting mental health and healthy lifestyle, where participants could try yoga and meditation lessons, music therapy or handmade jewelry.

Meeting of Mayors
In June, representatives of the SKODA AUTO Endowment Fund, the town of Mladá Boleslav and the surrounding municipalities met at the Na Karmeli Educational Centre to reflect together on the question of the further development of the Mladá Boleslav region.

Street art festival
A great celebration of street art in Mladá Boleslav - this is Street Art fest!
Donors Forum Awards
SKODA AUTO and its Foundation awarded at the Donors' Forum Awards! The purpose of the Donor Forum Awards is to support and highlight the important work of not only non-profit organisations, but also companies and corporate foundations and funds in the charitable and public benefit fields.